Mio Gonzalez, Vida Colonics Spa, Delaware Colonics
Hi, my name is Mio and I am your Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. I love to be active, happy, and healthy. Mother of two, full time employee and Spinning Certified Instructor since 2011 are routine activities that keep me very busy.

In order to keep my health at its maximum potential, I have to be conscious of what I eat, drink, how I manage stress, and how my body is responding through their natural responses.

It’s alarming the number of people, no matter the age group, that suffer from digestive complaints. Millions of dollars are spent on laxatives, antacids, fiber substitutes and many other over-the-counter digestive medications.

One natural choice to keep your colon clean is Colon Hydrotherapy or commonly referred as “colonics or colon irrigation”. Colonic was the first word used to describe the colon-cleansing process by the state of Florida.  Hydrotherapy is a generic term pertaining to the science of using water to affect healing.

i act logoAs defined by the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy, “Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. By introducing filtered and temperature-controlled water into the colon, the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. The process is repeated a few times during the session.” (i-ACT, 2006)

I was honored to study this healing alternative at the International School of Colon Hydrotherapy in Florida. My instructor Cathy Shea is one of the world’s first recognized  Colon Hydrotherapist. Her amazing technique, knowledge, and love for nature inspired me to go through this new path on my life.

I am the only Level III Certified Colon Hydrotherapist in the state of Delaware using a ‘closed’ system.

Colon Hydrotherapy is NOT a medical procedure. Treat yourself with the only natural and pure element used in Colon Hydrotherapy….. WATER! Mother Nature is always the answer.

Book your appointment now. It's fast and easy!

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