Vida Colonics SPA Monthly Colonic Club
Only for those really committed to their gut health!
This is the best option available for your monthly colonic session, automatically billed for your convenience. Use it or roll over for next month. Membership commitment is for 12 consecutives months. Fee applicable for early cancellation. All colonics sessions have to be redeemed before the membership expires.
This offer is only available for clients after your initial consultation.
Sign up today and take advantage of this AWESOME deal!
First Time Appointment
1.5 hours
Includes Consultation, Digestive System Presentation, pH Test, Heating pad for your comfort and relaxation, and Full Colonic session. First time appointments only. As a new customer, you will receive The Welcome Package Gift full of great items and samples from Vida Colonics SPA!
First Colonic Session with Infrared Sauna and a free 100% Natural Body Brush (New clients only)
Includes Consultation, Digestive System Presentation, pH Test, Heating pad for your comfort and relaxation, 45 minutes Full Colonic session, 25 minutes Infrared Sauna, and a New 100% Natural Boar Bristle Body Brush. First time appointments always receive The Welcome Package Gift.
Colonic Welcome Package
3 sessions
3.5 hours
Receive one initial consultation with first colonic (90 minutes session) plus two (2) extras 45 minutes colonics. (***Following 2 colonics will be scheduled on two different dates. Available only for first time customers. Welcome Package expires 60 days from date of purchase. Payment due on initial consultation).
Couples Colonics Package
2 sessions total
3.5 hours
This package is available for couples or partners receiving colonics the same day back to back. Includes Consultation for both, pH test, Digestive System and how Colonics works presentation, Heating pad for your comfort and relaxation, and the 45 minutes Colonic session for each one. Full payment is required the same day.
1 Colonic Session with Infrared Sauna session
Regular Infrared Sauna
5 Infrared Sauna Sessions
- Detoxification
- Relaxation
- Pain Relief
- Weight Loss
- Improved Circulation
- Skin Purification
Ion Cell Foot Cleanse
- Liver Detoxification
- Purge Heavy Metals
- Reduce Stress
- Enhance Immune System