Yoni Steam Hydrotherapy
What is Yoni Steam Hydrotherapy?
Vida Colonics SPA uses the knowledge and years of experience of Master Herbalist Jamilah Breiannis from Baltimore, MD to help our clients to understand what a Yoni or Vaginal Steam Hydrotherapy is. According to Master Breiannis, “Vaginal steaming”, also termed V-steaming is a health practice used for centuries, whereby a woman would squat or sit over a type of “tea” (not to be consumed internally) “made of steaming water containing beneficial, medicinal herbs to help remedy specific feminine issues”.
How Does It Work?
The vaginal steam brings heat to the womb. Along with the healing warmth, the combination of specific herbs works to produce their own benefits. These specific herbs work to nourish, tone, heal, bring in fresh oxygenated blood, promote cleansing, and make supple the vaginal and uterine tissues.
What is the purpose of the Yoni Steam Hydrotherapy?
The general purpose of v-steaming is to aid as an internal cleanser of the membranes of the vaginal tissues and the uterus. Vaginal steaming increases blood circulation to the pelvis, which then brings more oxygen to this part of the body, relaxing pelvic floor muscles.

Yoni Steam Hydrotherapy -state of the art – room, with custom made Cedar wood Yoni saunas. All our herbs are organically selected by our Master Herbalist.
How Yoni Steam Hydrotherapy may help you
Yoni Steam Hydrotherapy may help with symptoms of PMS, cramps during your period, brown, dark or purple blood during menstruation, blood clotting during menstruation, PCOS, absence of menstruation or menopause, and long cycles or bleeding for less than 4 days per cycle. Steaming may also be beneficial for:
Yoni Precautions
Vida Colonics SPA is not a medical provider and does not diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medications. If you are sick, please consult to your medical doctor or physician.
Book your appointment now. It’s fast and easy!
Please print & complete the Yoni Steam Hydrotherapy Consent Form and bring it to your appointment date to save valuable steam session time.